Best Guacamole Tomato Boats
Guacamole Tomato Boats are perfect for lunch or as an appetizer! This delicious vegetarian recipe is ready in just minutes! Sometimes I just need...
Guacamole Tomato Boats are perfect for lunch or as an appetizer! This delicious vegetarian recipe is ready in just minutes! Sometimes I just need...
Enjoy the flavor of this delicious and healthy homemade popsicle inspired by the tasty peanut butter and jelly sandwich. These pops get their “jelly”...
Ready for a change up to the normal pot of chicken soup? This Roasted Vegetable Chicken Soup is loaded with flavor, roasted vegetables, and...
These green smoothie pops are a perfect healthy snack for the whole family. Prepped in just 10 minutes, this is an easy treat! Enjoy...
Running to soccer practice and need a quick snack? These make-ahead homemade fruit roll-ups are a healthy spin on the store-bought fruit roll-ups and...
A healthy spin on a favorite dessert! You and your family won’t miss the extra calories and fat in these yummy Banana Split Yogurt...
These fun, festive parfaits are perfect for summer cookouts, Memorial Day and Fourth of July! The delicious combination of berries, coconut and yogurt make...
Ready in under 30 minutes, this Kale Pesto Pasta is healthy and delicious! Perfect for an easy weeknight meal, the whole family will love...
Ready for a different and simple way to enjoy a banana? Try out these Cinnamon-Honey Banana Bites for a warm, delicious treat the whole...
Ready for a flavor explosion? These Southwest Chicken Wraps are super easy to make, loaded with veggies, chicken, and salsa for a healthy and...
Give the traditional creamed spinach a healthy makeover with this rich and creamy recipe. The addition of mushrooms also adds a great unami flavor.
Looking for a super easy and delicious ham recipe? Try this Slow Cooker Ham with Pineapple & Cherries for a fuss free spin on...