Apple Pear Crumble
This fruit-packed dessert is perfect for holiday gatherings or special family meals. Nutrition Tip: The phytochemicals in apples provide as much antioxidant health-protecting power...
This fruit-packed dessert is perfect for holiday gatherings or special family meals. Nutrition Tip: The phytochemicals in apples provide as much antioxidant health-protecting power...
Who doesn’t love a great slow cooker chili recipe? This healthy, protein-packed Hearty Turkey & Kale Chili recipe will keep the whole family full...
Kids will love these bars for a yummy snack or savory dessert. They are loaded with healthy veggies like onions, carrots and zucchini. Add...
Pumpkin is loaded with fiber and vitamins, so adding it to a smoothie is a healthy way to start your day. We added a...
Looking for a new, healthy, cozy soup for these upcoming cooler months? Try this Slow Cooker Vegetable & Lentil Soup for a filling, nutrient...
This Pistachio-Chip Trail Mix is a quick fix and makes for a perfect after school snack. Make this recipe ahead of time and store...
Throw this easy to assemble Greek casserole together the night before a busy morning and simply bake while getting the kids ready for the...
You’ll love this grab and go Greek-inspired breakfast wrap because it’s packed with flavor and 25g of protein to keep you full! What is...
This healthy peanut butter popcorn treat jazzes up plain popcorn by adding a few simple ingredients. How to Make Air Popped Popcorn for This...
This sweet peach tomato salsa is a perfect summer or sport-watching recipe. Make extra to use as a topping on fish or chicken later...
Kids will love eating a “cookie” for breakfast and won’t even know they’re getting plenty of healthy fats, fruit and whole grains. Make an...
If you are looking for a healthy and easy snack option, you have found it! These easy no bake granola bites are ready in...