Looking for an easy after school snack for the kids? Here are some of our favorite, healthy snacks that can be made in a few minutes. All these snack ideas are just three ingredients!

You don’t have to resort to packaged snacks to keep hunger at bay until dinnertime, these easy healthy 3-ingredient snack ideas take just a minute or two to throw together. And the kids will love them! In fact, you will too, so make an extra one for you 😉

When school begins, things get harried after the lazy, fun days of summer. School clothing and supplies need to be purchased. Forms and permission slips from school start coming home, if they haven’t been lost in a backpack, lunch bag, or on the fridge.

You want your kids to eat healthy foods. Don’t we all?! The habits they form as children often follow them into adulthood.

First and foremost, I try my best to not buy junk food. I know it sounds easier said than done. What exactly do I mean by junk food exactly? Cakes, prepackaged cookies and chips, especially the processed ones, are the biggest offenders. The manufacturers want you to buy them, and they are marketed to kids so that you will.

Healthy Snack Options for Children

The best snacks for children are fresh fruits and vegetables, I know it’s sometimes hard to get your kiddos to eat more fruits and veggies, but keep trying!

Easy 3-Ingredient After-School Snacks

I always like to include a fruit or veggie with when I am giving my kids one of these 3-ingredient snacks, because let’s face it, most kids don’t eat enough of them. By pairing something they love like peanut butter or yogurt with fresh fruit, and ranch or hummus with veggies my boys are more likely to gobble it up.

During a normal school year, my boys eat lunch before noon everyday. We don’t usually have dinner until around 6, so that’s a long time for them to go without snacking. That’s why I like making these 3-ingredient snacks, in fact, some of these healthy snacks I can have prepped and ready-to-go so that the boys can grab them right out of the refrigerator.

Of course, you don’t want to serve up a snack that’ll ruin dinner either. Check out these tips from our registered dietitian, Sally of Real Mom Nutrition, for how to tackle after-school snacks and still keep kids hungry for dinner.

3-Ingredient Snack Ideas

  • Parfaits: Greek Yogurt + Fruit + Granola
  • Banana Sushi: Whole Wheat Wrap + Peanut Butter + Banana
  • Smoothies: Fruit + Spinach + Milk (& Ice – or use frozen fruit!)
  • Avocado Toast: Toast + Avocado + Hard-Boiled Egg
  • Cucumber Sandwiches: Cucumber Slices + Cheese + Turkey
  • Ham Wraps: Apple Slices + Cheese + Ham
  • Apple Donuts: Apple Rounds + Cream Cheese + Chopped Nuts
  • Pizza Bagels: Mini Bagel + Marinara Sauce + Cheese (plus any extra toppings you’d like!)
  • Dippers: Hummus + Carrots + Pretzels

Do you have a favorite easy snack idea that you give the kiddos after school? Please share!

If your kids are active, heading off to soccer practice or dance after school, make sure to offer a protein-packed snack. Here are 10 protein-packed snack ideas!