In this episode of Healthy Family Project, we talk to Sally Kuzemchak, our official registered dietitian and voice behind, all about avoiding those lunchbox-packing mistakes. Sally shares tips on repurposing leftovers, how to keep items fresh, introducing new foods and packing a balanced lunch.

Sally is a registered dietitian, author, and mom of two boys. She blogs at, a “no-judgement zone” for feeding families. She is the author of two books, The 101 Healthiest Foods For Kids, a guidebook to the best whole foods for kids, and Cooking Light Dinnertime Survival Guide, a cookbook for busy families.

An award-winning reporter and writer, Sally serves as a Contributing Editor for Parents magazine and a blogger for WebMD. Her writing has been published in magazines including Prevention, Health, Family Circle, Eating Well, Fitness, and Shape. 

Sally received her master’s degree in dietetics from The Ohio State University and resides in Columbus, OH with her family.

Power Your Lunchbox

Looking for more healthy lunchbox inspiration? We have you covered with 70+ registered dietitian-approved, kid-tested ideas on! You can find everything from non-sandwich lunches and gluten-free options to ways to repurpose leftovers and more. 

Don’t forget to show us your healthy lunchboxes on Instagram using #PowerYourLunchbox.  

Healthy Bites Featuring Pero Family Farms® Mini Sweet Peppers

Since 1908, Pero Family Farms has been dedicated to sustainable farming for the freshest and best-tasting vegetables for over five generations. Proud supporters of Produce for Kids, Pero believes teaching kids about the importance of healthy food choices will encourage a healthy lifestyle that will last a lifetime.

As the #1 brand of snipped green beans and mini sweet peppers in the USA, Pero strives to provide families with the freshest, most-nutritious produce, packaged in convenient options making it easy to eat healthy every day. For more delicious and healthy recipe ideas, visit!

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Want to skip straight to a hot topic? See time stamps below. But of course, we recommend listening all the way through!

  • 3:26 Meet Sally
  • 6:08 Repurposing Leftovers & Lunchbox Food Safety
  • 10:18 Healthy Bites Featuring Pero Family Farms® Mini Sweet Peppers
  • 11:34 Keeping Foods Fresh in the Lunchbox
  • 18:10 Introducing New Foods in the Lunchbox
  • 20:48 Lunchbox Portion Sizes
  • 25:51 What does a “Healthy Family” Mean?

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Healthy Family Project Podcast

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Transcript for Episode 34

This transcript was produced by Otter.Ai. Please forgive any misspellings and grammatical errors.

Welcome to the healthy family project by produce for kids covering the hot topics in the world of health,
food and family with a dose of fun. There’s no doubt about it. It is time for back to school across the
country. I know families are heading back we started back last week. And so we’re already almost by the
time you listen to this will be two weeks in and I am just getting my arms around everything I know that
you know teachers are using the remind app so I’m getting updates here and there. I have paperwork to
fill out to turn in emergency contacts. Who are those going to be this year? You know, you fill me on this
one. There’s just a lot and I I know that it’s a lot for kids going back to school, but it’s a lot for us parents
too. And that’s okay, we’re not super people, super heroes, I guess. And I’m sending you all positive
vibes that we can get through and get back in the groove of things and get these kiddos powering their
not only through nutrition, but powering their brains, their bodies so that they can be successful this
school year. And hopefully as parents don’t lose our minds in the process. So today we are going to talk
to the newest addition to the produce for kids team. She is our new official, registered dietician Sally
Kazem check all about lunchbox mistakes to avoid. Sally is a registered dietician, author, and also the
mom of two boys and she blogs at real mom, which she likes to call a no judgment zone for
feeding families. You know, we love that. She is the author of two books, the 101 healthiest foods for
kids. And also cooking light dinner time Survival Guide. Both of these books definitely staples to have on
your bookshelf of cookbooks. And then she is also an award winning reporter and writer, Sally serves as
a contributing editor for Parents Magazine and a blogger for Web MD. She actually just posted about the
new Weight Watchers app for kids, on parents. So if you want to go read that article had to parents or
you can go to the healthy family project, Facebook group and read it over there. I know a lot of people
are weighing in on it in our Facebook group. So we’d definitely love to hear what your thoughts are. She’s
also been published in magazines, including prevention, health, family circle, eating well fitness and
shape. So basically covering off on all of the magazines in that genre. And we are just so excited to have
Sally as part of the team and have her here today. She can hurt judgment free zone can join our
judgment free zone over here at healthy family project. We’re just going to talk about some simple
lunchbox mistakes to avoid easy ways that you know we can keep our kids safe and what they’re eating
and share some ideas and of course a couple laughs so let’s get started with Sally. Welcome to the
healthy family project. Sally. We’re really excited to chat with you today. My kids are already back to
school and I know many other families are heading back over the coming weeks. Parents are beginning
to think about navigating those lunch boxes and lunches once again, tis the season. So packing lunches
can be tricky. Today, I thought we’d talk to you about lunchbox packing mistakes to avoid. So before we
jump in, why don’t you give our listeners a little background on you and really what inspired you to
become a registered dietitian and start your blog.
Thanks for having me on your show. Um, so I am a registered dietician, I have two boys who are 11 and

  1. I became a registered dietician because I had always had a personal interest in nutrition. But being a
    dietitian is actually my second career. My first is as a writer, and I originally decided to become a dietitian
    to combine writing and nutrition. And so I would just be more informed and a better expert to write
    articles about nutrition. And then once I had kids and I realized how difficult it was to feed them, and to
    feed myself in a healthy way even though I had these initials after my name and all this education and
    experience, I realized that there was a need for someone to sort of pull back the curtain a little bit and tell
    the truth and that’s why I started my blog and I I started it 10 years ago and I called it real mom nutrition
    because I wanted everyone to know that I am just a real regular mom and I may be a dietician, I may
    have these years of education, but it’s still hard for me and I still struggle. So I really wanted to share
    both the successes and the struggles with people and create a really safe community where people

could feel like they were comfortable sharing what was wasn’t working for them what they were having a
hard time with, and just admitting, hey, like, I don’t eat perfectly. My kids don’t eat perfectly, but sort of
share what works for for us so that we can, you know, learn from each other.
Well, you know, we love that. And here on the healthy family project, that’s exactly what we tried to do. I
mean, it’s hard. And we know that and like you said, it doesn’t matter what initials come after your name,
or we’re all still parents and families here that are just trying to trying to do the right thing and trying to
feed our families healthy. And it’s not always easy.
That’s for sure. We’re just doing our best.
Right, so awesome. Okay, so let’s jump in here. Question one. So although I’d love to throw our dinner
leftovers into any lunchbox and call it a day, food safety is definitely a concern with certain foods needing
to stay cold or hot to be safely consumed. Can you share some tips for regulating lunch temperatures
and which foods are generally safe to eat at room temperature?
Sure. So in thinking about lunchboxes, you want to think about what’s called the danger zone, which is
which the the temperatures between basically refrigeration and cooking, so anything between that is
considered the danger zone. And that’s where bacteria can grow on food and more bacteria that grows
on food, the more likely that, you know, it could make you sick.
So this isn’t good bacteria that we’re
Yeah, this is bad. So think about that danger zone and think about how long your child’s lunchbox will be
sitting in her desk or her cubby or her locker. And so, in most cases, that is definitely you know, four
hours or more. The USDA says that foods that are perishable really shouldn’t be in that danger zone for
more than two hours. They say I think you can do more of a cushion of like four hours for some foods,
but still you need to keep those foods cold. And I kind of like their rule of thumb that you should aim for
two cold sources in your lunchbox so that could be two cold packs one on either side of your food. It
could be one cold pack and a frozen juice box or even a frozen sandwich I know some people make like
PB and j’s and they’ll freeze them and put one of those in the lunch bag and then by the time lunch is
there then the sandwiches defrosted. And that can sort of act as a cold pack to and the foods that you
really need to be careful with in this danger zone are the stuff that you keep in your fridge so meat,
yogurt, eggs, mayonnaise on sandwiches, any kind of leftovers, anything that you would generally keep
in your refrigerator or freezer, when you want to put it in a lunchbox you need to keep it at a safe
temperature. So if it’s you know if it’s hot food then you know a thermos will work. Just make sure that
your thermos is is truly keeping your food hot. I like to ask my kids if I buy a new thermos I like to ask
them you know was that food hot at lunch or was it warm, you can test it out yourself fill it with water,
close it for four hours and you know take the temperature and see if it’s if it’s really working. And
something that that I really like that we use here are freezable lunch bags and they actually have cold
packs built into all the walls. So you basically have your whole lunch surrounded by cold packs. And you
don’t have to worry about like all these loose cold packs rattling around in your freezer you can just pull
out the freezable lunch bag, put your lunch in it and then put it back in the freezer at the end of the day. I
really like that.
Well I was just gonna say that. My struggle literally this morning. As I’m getting the lunches ready is I
open the door and I have so many cold packs and they are just like taking up my whole freezer because
someone you know like my oldest she drives her bike to school and she’ll leave the lunchbox in which is
lovely. You know whenever it leaves this in the in her bet bike basket and I’m scurrying in the morning
looking for the lunchbox and it’s been out in the heat all night. But anyway, I feel like I need these
freezable lunch bags because I could get rid of all of these code packs that are taking up so much space.

It is nice you just of course have to make sure that freezable lunch bag makes it into the freezer. So I
always like to have a couple of cold bags just you know on standby in the fridge in the freezer just in
case but the food the foods that are safe to eat at room temperature the things that you keep out so fruits
and vegetables, crackers, you know peanut butter, bread, even if you have the natural peanut butter that
you keep in the you know the refrigerator you back can be at room temperature and you don’t need to
worry as much about those foods as these really perishable items.
Awesome. Well, we’ll definitely we’ll have to link up to you’ll have to share with me that what freezable
lunch bags you use, and we can link up to it in the show notes because I feel like that could be a game
changer. And now it’s time for a healthy bite. I feel like we haven’t had a healthy bite in a while and
today’s healthy bite is sponsored by pero family farms mini sweet peppers. So Grace is here delivering
some goodness. What do you have today for us?
Well, you know me, I’m the bringer of snacks. Yes. And so we’ve got a play of these really tasty colorful
mini sweet pepper from pero family farms. I chopped them up. I have some ranch, some hummus. I just
they’re really easy to snack on and you kind of up in two seconds and you’ve got something healthy to
Delicious. These are the perfect snack. You can have them with the ranch or like you said hummus,
guacamole. You can even kind of cut the tops off of these guys and and stuff them.
Oh yeah. stuffing them with tuna salad chicken salad. Perfect for lunches for shores. Yeah. And because
they’re sweet. I feel like kids really like them.
Yes, I think kids see pepper sometimes and think oh, it’s gonna be hot. So once they get a taste of these,
their mind will be changed for sure. These are awesome. Great for after school snacks snacking anytime
really in the lunchbox.
Not to mention I add peppers to everything. So if I already have these on hand, I’m chopping them up
and just throwing them into all my dishes.
Awesome. So definitely find parallel family farms at your local grocery store. Okay, so let’s talk soggy
food. Or as my Charlie likes to call it old when I asked her why don’t you eat that? She’ll say well, it was
old. You know, make boy it really wasn’t old. Because I just made it. But so I know there are many of us
out there to have what I call Charlie a selective eater. And they can be picky when food softened up a bit
or the texture is is off. Like truly I heard last night mom for the last time please don’t put the pretzels in
the same compartment as the carrots. Because she she said I had to show two of my friends see soggy
pretzels. You know, demanding things of me. So what is your recommendation recommendation on
avoiding you know those crackers wraps or sandwich bread that can get soggy after sitting in a lunchbox
for a few hours.
Yeah, one of my kids has a lot of complaints about soggy food. And, and I you know, I understand I mean
it is not pleasant to eat a soggy sandwich or to eat soggy pretzels. But um, so one thing is just to make
sure you’re separating if you have those bento lunch boxes that are really popular now which are
awesome. If you need to separate those compartments. Further, I love the little silicone muffin liners they
come in. They come in round shapes or like a rectangle. So you can divide those little compartments
down further. So you’re keeping the you know, the carrots away from the pretzels, or you know, like little
tiny containers with lids. I use those for things that I think are going to leak make sure your lunchbox you
know I’ve made the mistake plenty of times of putting something using the bento boxes. And when the
lunch box tips when it’s you know, in a backpack, then that juice from the fruit or whatever drips down
onto the sandwich. And that is just so sad. So just make sure you’re testing your lunchboxes to see if
they’re, they’re leak proof and they’re not get some containers with lids that are and there’s a lot of a lot

of little things that you can do. So if you’re putting lettuce on a sandwich for instance, just make sure you
dry it really well put it on the interior of the sandwich don’t put it next to the bread if it is a little bit damp.
Here’s a trick for if you’re putting mayo or jelly on bread, which over time those can seep in and make the
bread soggy. You can put a little smear of butter under your mayonnaise that kind of like blocks it a little
from seeping into the to the bread. Same with jelly, you put a smear of peanut butter on both both pieces
of bread, then put the jelly on because jelly is you know just you can go into that bread and make it make
it soggy so put the jelly in the middle between between the peanut butter and you know make sure like if
you have a cold pack or a frozen juice box or something that’s gonna, you know, defrost over time and
get a little drippy. Just make sure it’s not up against something, you know, you can wrap your cold pack
and maybe like a clean kitchen towel or you know make sure your sandwich is wrapped in something
that’s not going to let that moisture from the cold pack or the frozen juice box or whatever leak through
because it’s just not it’s not pleasant to eat. Eat that you know you just soggy sandwich. And it can even
be as simple as maybe keeping something whole instead of slicing it. So for instance, my older son who
is the one who complains about soggy food, wasn’t eating the sliced strawberries I was putting in his
lunch and when I asked him why which I think is important to ask kids why they didn’t eat something
because it can give you clues on what to do differently next time. He said it’s because the berries are
mushy inside And so I just started keeping them whole, take the stem off and keep them whole, and then
they weren’t as mushy and soggy. So it could be something as simple as that. But asking your kids
questions can help you sort of troubleshoot what the issue is.
Right? No. And actually, my younger daughter, I have been cutting her strawberries and she loves
strawberries. So I need to ask her because she hasn’t been eating all of them. So I wonder if that’s, that’s
what’s going on with her too.
So it could be and you know, when you look at your kids lunchbox at the end of the day, like if they have
leftover food, some foods do better overtime than others. And sometimes I open that lunchbox, and I see
those strawberries. And I think they do look kind of mushy and unappetizing. And I don’t know that I
would want to eat that either. So you know, you want to presentation, you know, counts for a lot with kids
and including lunchboxes.
And I can, as we’re talking, I’m thinking I already know, I’m gonna have someone say, well tell your kids
to pack their own lunches if they’re, you know, which I am my kids lendahand. So everybody listening,
Don’t come at me with that.
I have a whole free course on my site about packing lunches. I am a huge proponent. Yes, I’m teaching
your kids to pack their own lunch. And for the last year, this will be the second school year that my kids
will pack their own lunches. I wish I had started much sooner. But better late than never. So yes, that I’m
a big champion of teaching. lunches.
And, and for me, it’s funny because I actually enjoy packing lunches, like in the evenings. Sometimes I’ll
even have my glass of wine right there while I’m packing the lunches. And I’m like, You know what this is
like, therapeutic to me. But also, backstory, my, my dad always packed my lunch. And he loved packing
my lunches, because he had a job where he was gone majority of the day. So we didn’t really see him in
the evenings until late like nine o’clock at night. And so his kind of way to show you know that he was
involved in there, and he would pack our lunches, and he would make them really special. He’d make
like a salad or No, he wasn’t a chef, by any means. But he would write us a little note or whatever. And I
was always so excited. And lunchtime was always really special for me, because I knew that it was
special for him. And so I think everybody can, you know, yes, your kid should lend a hand. But also from
my personal perspective, I actually enjoy it. So
a lot of parents do. You know, I I asked my community, like if you don’t, if you’re, you know, if you if you
pack your lunches for your kids, what’s stopping you from passing that job on? And I heard from a lot of
parents who said, I really enjoy it. I really like, like you said, almost like therapeutic to like, put all the food
in the little compartments and make an art out of it. And hey, if you like it, then great. But if you’re a

parent like me, who would be like, Oh, I got a bag, the laundry again? Then consider passing that job
Yes. All right, cool. Okay, so we want our kids to eat the rainbow. Of course, that’s our goal. And the
healthiest lunch possible. But real realistically, that, you know, won’t always be the case. So I know when
I’ve tried to add new foods or I read something that says this is like, this is brain food, you know, you’re
okay, I need to put that in a lunchbox they have a test this afternoon. I’m giving them the brain food. So
you know, sometimes it’s not so successful, the girls come back with with something still left or that that
brain food that I thought was going to get them through the test still on their lunchbox. So how can we
find a balance between encouraging kids to try new foods, but also packing foods they like so we ensure
they’re getting the nutrients and energy? And maybe the lunchbox isn’t the place to put the new foods? I
don’t know. What do you think?
Yeah, I don’t think lunch boxes are the place to try the new foods or the difference are unfamiliar foods,
unless you’ve got that kid who was a super adventurous eater and would really like to open his lunchbox
and see this like new food that he’s never had. Most kids though, I think do better with the familiar foods.
So you have to think about that lunch room. And I don’t know if you’ve ever been in your child’s school at
It’s a zoo. It’s a madhouse, yeah,
it’s very chaotic and stressful. Especially like, think about kids who are just starting kindergarten or think
about kids who are just starting middle school or high school and they’re just figuring out like, Where
should I sit? Who should I sit with is there you know, how much time do I have kids are so time crunched
at lunch, unfortunately. So I just think it’s the time for really familiar foods. They open the lunch box, they
know they like a turkey sandwich. They have the turkey sandwich in the Apple or whatever it is. I think
that that is just makes makes it a lot easy, easier. And if there is a food like that brand new that you’re
thinking, oh, you know, I’d really liked for my child to eat this food or try this food. Maybe that’s an after
school time. So after school kids are super hungry. It’s great to get to kids when they’re hungry when you
want to try a new foods and maybe you put that new food alongside something they already really love
on a little snack tray after school or maybe a breakfast, you know, if it’s, you know, if it’s a, they have a
test and you want to put a brain food in there or something, maybe you make them a smoothie and you
say I put this, and I put blueberries in your smoothie, whatever it is, maybe that’s the time. But I just think
for most kids for lunches, keep it familiar and easy. And I think you’ll find that your kids will eat more of
their lunch when it is easy and familiar.
Good thoughts there. So I think I agree on that one. I learned the hard way. But I do agree. So let’s talk
portions and snacking. I know a lot of parents want their kids to eat that main dish. Whether it be you
know, the veggie wrap or leftovers from dinner, the soup. That’s what tends to have the most nutrients, I
guess. And then you pack a few sides, maybe some pre packaged items, pita chips, cheese cubes or a
piece of fruit. How do you avoid the kids going straight for the snack items in the sides and ignoring the
main dish without feeling like you’re under packing, or you won’t have enough food, you know, food for
the day. I know sometimes when I pack like a treat, I guess I call it something a little sweet treat for the
girls. I always say make sure you eat this other stuff first. You know, I don’t, I don’t really think they do.
But I feel like it’s my job to say like, make sure you eat that. That rat first before you go for the chocolate
Yeah, so I think if you’re going to pack a sweet treat or a snack, you know, something like pretzels or
chocolate chips or whatever, you need to make sure that you’re packing a portion that’s small enough
that they can eat that first. Because, you know, I know my kids at least would probably eat it first or they
may have a little bit of it and then something else. So make sure that portion isn’t so big that they eat it
and they’re like I’m I’m not hungry for anything else. I’m I’m a huge proponent of packing less food for
most kids. Now, you may have some kid who has a huge appetite, play sports needs a lot of lunch, great,
you know, pack Pat what you pack exactly the amount that you think they need, or they pack the amount

they think they need. But if your child is is frequently coming home with a lunchbox that has a lot of
leftover food, then it probably means there’s too much in there. And so I’m always telling parents pack a
little bit less than you think your kids need. And I just heard from one of my readers recently who said
that she started doing that, that she started packing smaller portions, but a bigger variety of foods. So
maybe instead of you know, main course and side and a fruit she packed maybe five things but smaller
portions and she said her child is coming home with, you know, an empty lunchbox like he’s eating, he’s
actually eating more food because there are smaller portions of a larger variety of foods. So I really think
that that’s something to consider, you know, maybe instead of a whole big wrap, you pack half a wrap
and then you pack something else. In addition to that, that has similar nutrients that you know maybe if
there’s you know Turkey in your wrap, then you’re also including like a yogurt or cheese it’s gonna have
protein as well. Sometimes I think really big portions can overwhelm kids, especially young kids who
don’t have a lot of time at lunch so they might open their lunchbox see the giant wrap and think oh my
gosh, and go straight for the pretzels which are easier and more doable to eat. So I know this you know,
I’ve written a lot about you have to figure out the portions that work best for your kid like the portions that
work for your children aren’t going to work for mine and vice versa. So you know your kids they know
their appetite, but packing less can sometimes be the answer.
Well I have just found this out with my younger daughter I the I was packing carrots and she was not
touching any of the carrots. And so I started doing exactly what you said adding more things but smaller
portions and I was just giving her three carrots and all three carrots which she was eating all three
carrots because I backed off of like this garden full of carrots that I was giving to her she was like it was
doable like she was a god three carrots okay and so that’s kind of the route that I’ve been taking with her
to like more and I mean the the bento boxes have made it easy, easier for us lunch packers to do that
and I love it. I mean the snack trays and the bento boxes. I mean it’s all I love all of it where you’re not
having these big portions of of something and just kind of snacking. I like that.
Yeah, and you can have a bunch of just random things in your fridge. It’s a great way to avoid food waste
is you have a couple pieces of roast turkey from last night you have you know Whatever it is, you just put
these little amounts in the bento boxes and it looks really cute and fun. So yeah, definitely take
advantage of the bento boxes for for all those little odds and ends.
Sure. And we’ll link up to some of those in the show notes. I know we get that question a lot like what
what bento box to buy, you know the ones that aren’t going to leak into the different compartments and
things like that. So we can link up we I know we have some recommendations from produce for kids. But
if you have any, we’ll add those links to the show notes as well. Sure. Okay, so before you go, I was at a
podcast conference last week. So I’m trying to trying to do a couple new things here on the show. So I
decided, what’s one question that I can ask all of my guests. And it could be fun to just hear what their
thinking is on it. So there’s no right or wrong answer. But you get to be my first guest to play along.
You’re a guinea pig. So what do you think being a healthy family really means?
Well, I’m glad that you actually sent me this question in advance. And I was I was glad for that. Because I
think it’s a great question, but I really wanted to think about it. So to me, I think a healthy family is a
family that’s close emotionally, a family that feels happy and good when they’re together who have fun
together. Of course, I think it’s important that that family also eats together whenever possible, and who
support each other in all kinds of different ways. So that’s what I think a healthy family
is. Oh, I think that’s that’s a great first answer for our question. But thank you so much, Sally, for taking
the time to be on the show. We, you know, appreciate Sally’s our official registered dietician at produce
for kids. So we’re partnering every day on different things. So we love your support. We love your stamp
of approval on our recipes and everything that we’re doing being that sounding board. But before we hop
off, can you tell our listeners where they can connect with you and where they can purchase your books,
because you do have a couple amazing books out there.

Sure. So you can find me at real mom nutrition, calm, and then on all social media as real mom nutrition.
And I do have a couple books, I have the 101 healthiest foods for kids, which is a guidebook to the best
Whole Foods for kids. And I have a great dinner time cookbook for busy families called dinnertime
Survival Guide. And you can find those both via my site or on Amazon or wherever books
are sold. Wonderful. Well, thank you so much for joining us today.
Thank you for having me.
Let’s continue this conversation join me and Sally in the healthy family Project Facebook group. It’s a
closed group, but you can request to become a member. So over there, we’re talking about a range of
topics. And we welcome your questions, comments and thoughts and feel free to post in there. It’s a safe
place for all of us to just kind of tossed ideas back and forth and and share. And speaking of your
thoughts, we want more of them. I really want to make sure we are delivering what you need in these
episodes. So I’m going to pop a link in the show notes and we’ll be giving away two $50 amazon gift
cards to to just select a winner at random pulled from those people who fill out the survey. We really want
to make sure that we’re giving you what you want. And if you want more of something or less of
something. Don’t hold back. We welcome all of those comments. And don’t forget to power your
lunchbox. Go to over to the site power your lunchbox calm. My daughter Charlie’s actually going to going
to going to share a little info on that. So let me wrap this up here. Remember to use the hashtag power
your lunchbox, you’re gonna win great prizes on Instagram if you’re showcasing those lunch boxes and
us using the hashtag. Never miss an episode of the healthy family project. Subscribe. Subscribe on
Apple podcast to get new episodes as they become available. If you’d like to healthy family project, tell a
friend and leave us a rating on Apple podcast or wherever you get your podcasts. It will only help our
visibility so we can continue to create a healthier generation. You can find me in the Facebook group
healthy family project tweet direct with me on Twitter at Amanda M Kiefer. And you can find produce for
kids on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and YouTube.
Be sure to visit power for back to school inspiration and win great prizes and lots of
yummy lunchbox ideas. Be sure to subscribe Talk soon